Sabtu, 17 Maret 2012

Gallery of the Week : The Outbond!!!

Hi readers. How’s life?

I haven’t been writing for almost 5 days due to out bond activities which started from Tuesday until Thursday. Then a day later, I had to pack my entire luggage and now I am on the way to Cilacap for having Dedicated OJT that started on 19th of March. Wuu, no wonder if I am not fit enough now because of having such hectic activities.

4 days ago my colleagues and I went to Puncak, Bogor for having self development training which is held by Holcim Academy. We spent 2 days and 2 nights in precious Villa, but please don’t think that we sleep in the warm bed room or some kind like that. We slept in the small tent but it quite warm due to small bed and blanket. It’s just like camping in the wild pine forest but in more comfortable condition.

We learned many things during the training. At the first day, the trainer delivered the material which most of them were talked about self awareness, respect, teamwork building, and mind-heart connection. He also gave us much small practice like “Guiding the Blind”. That game gets us to realize how valuable a loyal partner for us. Even in the end of the day the trainer created the emotional session which made us cry and brave for saying thanks and sorry to someone who had put the special place in our life.*at the moment I said thank you in front of audience for my beloved friends (specially) Ipung, Ferry, Hassan, and Aida. I am planning to write down that story in this blog.

At that day we also got a material related to human characteristic based on its tendency in learning something. There are Visual base who is more convenience in learning by seeing, Auditory base who has strength in learning by listening, and Kine static base who tend to learn by doing. But beyond that, the trainer also gave us the tricks to steal the heart based on theirs characteristic.
Then we had some kind of out bond which consisted of small games and war game in the last day. There were 4 games which connected each other. We were divided into 4 groups which competed to collect the point in each game as many as we can. The point would be redeemed for a treasure map. The group with highest score will be able to buy a complete map but it doesn’t mean that they can win the competition easily.
My group actually only got 50.000 less than the highest one, but we found the treasure! And automatically we win the out bond!!Here were some pictures which describe how fun we were.

Keep Learning, Keep Growing

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